User interfaces
Service overview
When creating user interfaces for automation technology, we benefit from our experience in high-level language development.
Modern visualization solutions such as Beckhoff TwinCAT 3 HMI are based on web technologies and are created in HTML5 / JavaScript / CSS3. For 3D visualization we use Unity, either as standalone or embedded in a website.
Furthermore, we regularly develop desktop applications, typically based on WPF. Here our special focus is on separation of display and logic according to the principles of MVVM.
Do you also have a need for graphics or the design process in your application? For this we are in close contact with UX designers and industrial graphic designers to offer a holistic solution.
Noteworthy reference
Cartridge packaging machine

This custom machine packages cartridges with two different packaging types. It can fill cardboard or it can bundle the cartridges. According to the order sent from the cartridge production machine via OPC Unified Architecture, it can automatically package the desired type. There are two processes: The cardboard process and the bundle process.
The cardboard process starts with flat/unfolded cardboard. The machine can detect faulty stacking, turned cartridges, etc. Due to the situation, it can automatically purge cartridges that are wrong or unnecessary. The process ends with filled and taped cardboard ready for further proceeding.
The bundle process bundles cartridges with 64 pieces. It also detects faulty stacked or turned cartridges, etc. At the end of this process, the machine produced perfectly shaped 64 cartridges which are bundled by the bundling machine afterwards.
According to the customer demands we shaped our user interface. To make an optimal and customer friendly Human Machine Interface (HMI) we made a flexible design, a visualization of the machine, 3D designs and some animations of motion components.
Used technologies:
- TwinCat HMI, Safety, Drive Manager
- JavaScript
- Beckhoff PLC, modules and servo motor
- OPC Unified Architecture
- Festo Valves
- Euchner saftey door locks
- Laser printer